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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Insight: Did Conficker worm help sabotage Iran's nuke program? | Latest News Stories | Comcast.net

Insight: Did Conficker worm help sabotage Iran's nuke program? | Latest News Stories | Comcast.net:
Someone once said,..."All is fair in love and, in war." Well, in today's dangerous, complicated and convoluted world, that simple truth universally applies,... especially in dealing with a rogue nation like Iran. The Iranian government along with her maniacal, out of touch leaders like Ahmadinjad and Khamenei have made it abundantly clear that they want nuclear weapons! They will stop at nothing now to achieve that end and consider obtainment an absolute goal for their nation's foreseeable future. Once acquired, Iran will become the most dangerous nation in the Middle East, if not the entire World. It will try to dictate not only it's own future but the future of the entire Middle East as well. It would literally be allowing an unleashed monkey to posses a gun,... a very large gun. Releasing a cyber worm  into their system's back doors is not only appropriate but most likely legal in the eyes of most civilized nation's. Who cares where it's creation comes from. It's an excellent  non-lethal path to slow down Iran's nuclear progress until other avenues of suppression are sought and deployed. Besides, Iran has made it's political opinion very clear  concerning Israel's right to exist in the Middle East. That fact alone justifies any and all steps to shut down their nuclear ambitions and other plans for regional aggression. At this point Iran is genuine challenge, if not a threat, to our national security as she intimidates her own neighbors and the international flow of oil. Iran must be stopped and stopped soon. Everyday that the league of civilized nations waits, the more Iran's strength and power grows on the global stage. One day, just  like 1939 Germany, she may not be stoppable. Now is the time to act and act swiftly if the Middle East is to ever be safe...'via Blog this'

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