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Friday, December 9, 2011

Officer charged with DUI in patrol car | News - Home

Officer charged with DUI in patrol car | News - Home:
Every citizen in Florida should be outraged over this dubious piece of pig pal police work. Here we have the worse possible DUI scenario known to law enforcement. A policeman stone cold drunk in a taxpayer owned patrol car. A person sworn to uphold the laws of Florida passed out like a drunken pig behind the wheel. A fine case for doing first by example. So, what do his law enforcement buddies do?... Give him a "get-out-of-jail-free" card and, send him off on a paid vacation. Sweet Deal, no doubt !!! Anyone else would go straight to jail. Now, on top of all that, the mad as hell, Police Director is going to spend tax dollars conducting a dog & pony show investigation. How nice !  He wants to know who give this drunken dirt bag a free pass. Like it takes an official investigation to determine what is already a matter of police records. That's just plain insult to injury folks. All of this makes thinking people of Florida ask the questions,...how much longer are sub-standard cops going to receive special soft treatment as paid public servants? and,...Why are they not given the same treatment as the people that pay their salaries are? Last but not least,... Why are policeman above the law! 'via Blog this'

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