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Friday, December 9, 2011

Raines students rally behind their former principal | News - Home

Raines students rally behind their former principal | News - Home:
What we have here is a basic display of tribal mentality trying to defend the fallen Mr.Maxey. On one front the student and adult organizers try to justify the principals actions and behavior simply because he is a popular black leader. We often see this brand of thinking when black people vote in an open election. To them, it doesn't matter what a black candidate has done. They will vote black across the board just because of black candidacy and,... no other reason. On the second front, these students want to justify the original thefts by shifting blame to the victims questioning the value and placement of  stolen items. By somehow suggesting had these valuable items not been in the lockers to begin with, no crime would have actually occurred. Brilliant street logic for such young, uneducated criminal minds. Mr. Maxey it appears has taught his flock of students well during his colorful tenure at Raines. Good luck with your new career there Maxey!
'via Blog this'

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