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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Florida Unemployment Holds At 10.7% - Money News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

Florida Unemployment Holds At 10.7% - Money News Story - WJXT Jacksonville:
So much for Rick Scott's empty promises to bring jobs back to Florida. ("Let's get to work!") All he's done since taking office is pass new harsh, unconstitutional legislation targeting Florida's working class and the poor. This impotent fool is nothing short of a political clown destined to a single term in office. Perhaps after he leaves the Governor's Mansion, he can return to stealing from the government for a living...
'via Blog this'


  1. The state of Florida should have got a clue when this guy's company was liable for the biggest medicare fraud in US history. Couldn't run a company, no surprise he can't run a state!

  2. He's not a statesman, he's not a leader, he's not even a good business man. Rick Scott spent $50 million dollars( of somebody's money ) to get elected to a public office that pays a couple hundred thousand dollars a year. That's pretty funny math don't you think...

  3. I agree but I do need to state that one of the good programs for Scott is drug testing applicants for cash welfare assistance. He deserves an A+ for this one program.
