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Monday, September 12, 2011

Social Security Marks The Battle Lines For CNN/Tea Party Debate - Politics News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

Social Security Marks The Battle Lines For CNN/Tea Party Debate - Politics News Story - WJXT Jacksonville:
It comes as no real surprise that the GOP would stage it's carnival-like side show at the Florida State Fairgrounds. After all, with so many political clowns in one place, it just makes sense.Once again the Republican Party takes center stage with endless protection of the rich and it's constant persecution of America's poor. God help the working people of America if the money grubbing Republicans get back into the White House. They will slaughter Social Security and Medicare in the name of greater fiscal responsibility. They refuse to accept the historical fact that it was Republican Party policies and control that put our nation's economy in the toilet in the first place. When Bill Clinton left office, he handed over a surplus budget to Republican leadership.In the eight years that followed, the "Party of No" drove our economy into the ground. Now the Republican contenders want you to forget all that so you can put them back into power to finish ridding America of it's middle class...
'via Blog this'


  1. Wake up and do the math, the aging senior population of America now exceeds the contributing population to social security. Output now exceeds the inputs which results in a deficit.Duh!

  2. You're missing the BIG PICTURE here. It's not just wax on,...wax off.Those aging seniors have paid into Social Security all their lives. It's not their fault the money set aside was plundered by our government for other programs. It's not an entitlement,...it's a return.
