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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cain rails against Wall Street protesters | General Headlines | Comcast.net

Cain rails against Wall Street protesters | General Headlines | Comcast.net:
What a jerk! This megalomaniacal clown is so out of touch with reality he doesn't even know what country he lives in. This is American! there Mr. Cain, and when the people of this country are united in a single cause, you best join, them or get your ass out of the way. As an older black American, one would think you above all others understood that concept.These people are mad because rich slugs like you get unfair tax, legal and business advantages. These people are mad because rich slugs like you don't pay your fair share of personal income taxation. These people are mad because rich slugs like you buy your way into political power. These people are mad because rich slugs just like you have destroyed the American dream and disrupted the lives of millions of working families. However, these people are supremely mad because the Wall Street slugs just like you violated countless finance laws and now have been given a free pass to impunity.No one envolved in the Wall Street protest is jealous Mr.Cain, they're just mad.  So,now that you understand what it's all about, you can crawl back into your can of Pizza Sauce and shut-up about humble things you can't possibly comprehend... 'via Blog this'

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