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We're here to provide the citizens of Jacksonville and surrounding world with an uncensored forum to freely voice their thoughts about local, state, national and world events. Here, your opinions are not suppressed by the will of advertisers or the dictates of business managers. Unlike many TV news blogs, we don’t owe our soles to outside influences. We don’t care about the political impact of our readers' input. Most of all, we don’t give a damn if we offend the sensibilities of others with the truth.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Did the Kardashians Attempt to Rig 'DWTS' Votes? | XFINITY TV News

Did the Kardashians Attempt to Rig 'DWTS' Votes? | XFINITY TV News:
Well, there could hardly be a more rhetorical question than, " Did the Cartrashians rig DWTS"? First off, everything and anything the Cartrashians do and touch is rigged. These inflatable, talentless bimbos are the epitome of Hollywood gone amuck. If their entire surroundings and settings are not completely rigged fabricated and controlled, they can not perform,...period. If what they do can be considered performing at all. For an entertainment media concern such as  XFINITY, to even ask such a blatantly stupid question, simply confirms their total support for what ever it is that these mindless aberrations say or do. Like most entertainment journalist of today, XFINITY acts more like publicity agency than a news agency.        
'via Blog this'

1 comment:

  1. And the latest has to be a record - 72 days of marriage until filing for a divorce
