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Friday, October 14, 2011

Kim Kardashian Dons a Burqa in Dubai! | Comcast.net

K im Kardashian Dons a Burqa in Dubai! | Comcast.net:
"Throwing-up with the Cartrashians"just got harder. To all the idiotic morons that promote and support these inflatable Hollywood tramps, they salute you. Just keep on thinking you want to be just like them as they suck away all the cash you'll give them. These mindless bimbos have generated enough cash from stupid Americans to pay off the National Debt and they only want more. You could put a toilet seat over their heads and some people would stand in line for two days to buy one just like it. It is truly amazing to see just how far some people can go with absolutely zero talent. All you need is an agent, a hollywood lawyer and a deal with the devil. The Cartrashians  can't act, dance sing or speak intelligently yet, some Americans have made them into world class citizens. Prior to so called reality TV, their only connection to fame was their infamous father-lawyer, Robert Kardsahian. He has always been suspected in the disposing of O.J.Simpson's bloody clothes and murder weapon shortly after O.J.murdered his wife and Ron Goldman. Boy,if daddy could only see them now!...
'via Blog this'

1 comment:

  1. I agree. It's sad when society has nothing better to do than to droll over these folks. People should put their time to more constructive uses like volunteering at a community center, senior citizen center, or whatever. To put any effort into these useless issues is just a waste of valuable time and reimburses the bad behaviors of these spoiled brats.
