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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Christie Endorses Romney - Politics News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

Christie Endorses Romney - Politics News Story - WJXT Jacksonville:
A good guess is that Mitt Romney had to chase down "Krispy Kreme"Christie to get this disingenuous, dubious endorsement. Furthermore, you can be assured it comes with a big ticket payback for Ben & Jerry's favorite flavored politician. Christie knew he couldn't carry a national election because of his checkered political past which is scattered like chicken droppings all over the Garden State. While New Jersey accepts and expects a certain level of corruption from it's politicians,Christie knows he is not qualified  presidential material. Had he ran on his own without complete party support, Democrats would have started digging up skeletons all along the Jersey Shore and laid them at the fat man's doorsteps.Christie's protracted discourse on religion was and is  nothing more than smoke and mirrors to generate  reverse sympathy for Romney and his dismal pole numbers...
'via Blog this'

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