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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Congress passes 3 free trade agreements | General Headlines | Comcast.net

Congress passes 3 free trade agreements | General Headlines | Comcast.net:
These so called free trade compacts are little more than "international shell games" design to make a hand full of global business men grotesquely wealthy. They in turn pay-off U.S.politicians who sponsor and pass these treasonous arrangements. On the surface these agreements promise to serve the free world with both growth and prosperity. However in reality, they deliver next to nothing to common peoples on either side of the trade contract and subsequently create a U.S. trade deficit. They serve only their masters and they serve them well.  Ultimately and clearly our own leaders are responsible for the loss of millions upon millions of American jobs. Since NAFTA was implemented in 1994 it has continued to eat away steadily at our national economy like a deadly cancer. Now, because of those job losses, we have a surplus labor force that continues to drag down the wages of what few jobs still remain in this country. Yet, our leaders could care less. Republicans, Democrats,...they're all the same when it comes to the selling of America.That's why they enter politics,...so they can get a piece of America's ass too! When you add up all the damage these convoluted agreements have caused, along with off-shore jobs losses and the selling-off of so many American Companies, you can clearly see why the American economy is in the toilet. Now, like criminals in a cell block planning a blanket party, both sides of the aisle are stroking each other's feathers over the passage of yet three more poison trade agreements...Plain and simple, Free Trade Agreements are nothing short of Treason!  
'via Blog this'

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