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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Marco Rubio’s compelling family story embellishes facts, documents show - The Washington Post

Marco Rubio’s compelling family story embellishes facts, documents show - The Washington Post:
Well,... Here we go again. The enemies from within America are trying to change the governing rules of our once great nation. Like the pigs in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" politicians from both parties want to modify Presidential and Vice-Presidential eligibility for their own political gains. According to the U.S. Constitution, Article 2 says that no person except a "natural born citizen" shall hold the office of President or Vice-President. Seems simple enough. However, other than Thomas Jefferson, the framers of our Constitution had no idea how corrupt and perverted our political system would one day become. Unfortunately, they did not precisely define the term, "natural born citizen." It's constitutional meaning and definition to this day, have never been legally challenged. Capitalizing on this obscure but arguably oversight, the Democratic Party in 2008 engineered and launched the Obama Presidency. Almost from  day one of his candidacy, Barrack Obama's eligibility to higher office has been openly challenged by those who believe he was not born to citizen status nor on U.S.soil.  With compelling arguments and documents the "Birther"organization was created to undo Obama's illegal presidency and reestablish  Constitutional integrity. At the height of  his campaign, the Birthers provided strong discourse and support for the Republican establishment to challenge and target Obama's qualifications. Brushing these arguments aside, most GOP members did not take the issue with any degree of open seriousness. Foremost among them was none other than Marco Rubio who at the time said," he did not think it was an issue." Now 4 years later, we know exactly why as Rubio  stands quietly in the wings aspiring for higher office. Clearly Rubio is nothing more than a Republican pretty boy who has advanced skills in deception and public speech. His entire family history is one big fraud designed to dupe the American people. He is not, as he portrays,...the son of  patriot exiles banished from their homeland but rather, simply the son of common South Florida immigrants. Immigrants that still pledge allegiance to a foreign country and power. The people of America had better wake up and smell what it's politicians from both parties are shoveling their way this election season. The 2012 election will be the most important election in American history. It will determine not only the next 4 years but possibly decades beyond. This could very well be the final free election in America. If the rule of law is not resurrected and foreign influence banned from the Oval Office, we as a free nation are doomed. Choose well America for the pigs have moved into the barn and the farmer is dead...God save America from her politicians...

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