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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ridgeview Principal's DUI Charge Dropped - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

Ridgeview Principal's DUI Charge Dropped - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville:
Well, this story comes as no great revelation. Right from the beginning this man's arrest and detainment were a law enforcement fantasy supported by police fabrication and zero evidence. As predicted, this citizen took these bogus allegations of DUI and spit them directly in the face of Clay County Law Enforcement. Well done Mr.Westmoreland!  In the interest of higher justice, you should now pursue civil litigation for the damages done to your personal and professional reputations. That in turn would also be performing a monumental public service by helping to protect other innocent citizens from the same illegal police tactics you endured. Arresting people without evidence must have consequences and repercussions.Like a street bully, the police need to be punished for rogue behavior. Otherwise, we become just another tyrant police state run by government thugs. No one,  not even the police should be able to operated above the law...

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