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We're here to provide the citizens of Jacksonville and surrounding world with an uncensored forum to freely voice their thoughts about local, state, national and world events. Here, your opinions are not suppressed by the will of advertisers or the dictates of business managers. Unlike many TV news blogs, we don’t owe our soles to outside influences. We don’t care about the political impact of our readers' input. Most of all, we don’t give a damn if we offend the sensibilities of others with the truth.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Obamas Won’t Let Their Daughters Watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians | Crushable

The Obamas Won’t Let Their Daughters Watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians | Crushable:
The President and First Lady have good reasons for not allowing their daughters to watch "Throwing-Up with the Cartrashians." Simply put, they want their children to hopefully grow up to be something more than engineered Hollywood trash. Calling what the Cartrashians and others do, "REALITY", is nothing short of a galactic oxymoron. Furthermore, the only thing usefully generated from Reality TV is the historical, media bookmark it's creating that will one day reflect the utter social madness of our times. If one could view Reality TV inverted through a house of mirrors in total darkness, it might just have some meaning...  
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1 comment:

  1. I agree with the President and First Lady on this issue. If I had children at home I would definitely keep them from this reality as well as other reality shows. About the only decent, educational reality shows are available on the history channel and some of those are questionable.
