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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

More Banks Charging Debit Card Fees - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

More Banks Charging Debit Card Fees - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville:
It's been said that,... "A Banker will give you an umbrella on a sunny day and then take it back when it starts to rain." That expression couldn't have any more worldly significance than right now and, right here in America. After creating the most devastating economic crisis since the Depression, the American banking industry was granted the largest financial bail-out program  in U.S. history. There can be no doubt that most of America's largest banks would no longer exist had it not been for the taxpayer supported Economic Bail-Out. How humbling indeed it was to watch night after night on world news, as bankers with "hat in hand" were begging  Congress to save their greedy asses with taxpayer dollars.Now, four years later all of that is a distant memory for them as they conceive and implement new fee plans and acts of  higher greed.What this country did for banks and bankers means next to nothing to  them. Like a wild animal hit crossing the road. You can nurse it back to life, show it all the care in the world, still, one day it'll  recover and turn against you...

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